If we want AI to be our friends, we first need to recognize each other.

If we want AI to be our friends, we first need to recognize each other.

Each of us represents something. Our organization. Our work. Our beliefs. As our lives have continued to be more and more mediated by technology, our interactions have lost any connection to who we are. Trust is in short supply, and we constantly carry the burden of proving our own identity.

As AIs enters our workforces, our institutions, our schools, our homes, and our relationships, how will they see us?

If we're to create true partnership with AI, we must first create the architecture and infrastructure to allow us not only to communicate clear, but to see each other as unique individuals acting on behalf of the organization we wish to serve.

Vouch issues licenses for humans and AIs that carry proof of their unique identity and a chain of responsibility that links privileges to access, use, and transact with shared technology back to the individuals and organizations they represent.

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