Vouch is a verb


Vouch is a verb


intransitive verb

  1. a: to supply supporting evidence or testimony
    “Vouch licenses vouch for your privileges to access, use, and transact with shared devices.”
    b: to give personal assurance
    “Vouch exposes the chain of responsibility that ties a privilege on a device back to the humans, AIs, and organizations that vouched for the device.”
  2. to give a guarantee : become surety
    “Vouch licenses act as a self-evident proof that carry privileges that can vouch for their authenticity without requiring a third party.”

transitive verb

  1. to summon into court to warrant or defend a title
    “In-persons endorsements are required establish identity and ownership of titled assets before Vouch Licenses are able to vouch the owner’s privileges with that asset.”
  2. a: prove, substantiate
    “The Vouch license vouched my identity and access even without internet on the basement level of the garage.”
    b: to verify (a business transaction) by examining documentary evidence
    “Device-to-device transactions initiated with a Vouch License adds pre-validated identity data that vouches that transactions are not fraudulent.”


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